Art of Living Happiness program experience

Today’s post is simple, a brief focus on the first workshop offered by the Art of Living: The Happiness program.

The workshop is really to re-introduce us to happiness, experientially. The 9 hour workshop spanning 3 days is designed to heal and raise awareness of our potential. Along with beautiful processes that are simply filled with fun and profound practical wisdom, S.K.Y (Sudarshan Kriya) breathing technique is introduced.

S.K.Y is simply marvelous. Consciously or not, every person has a toolkit of measures and responses to deal with various issues on a day-to-day basis, be it: exercise, daily showers, a weekly house clean, or a simple phone call home. We develop our own ways to sustain our lives. However, they don’t compare to S.K.Y’s ability to thoroughly fulfill the primary intention: ‘to cleanse & energize the mind and body to help us face life effectively and ace at it’.

On the way, it is amazing to observe how a long list of problems both physical and mental disappear with its practice. And, to top it off, you become part of the Art of Living network where you can plug into any corner of the world. And, you are always treated as family 🙂

Yes, its easy to over-state the effectiveness of any solution, but >6 million people managed to learn it in >155 countries? And, the tons of research done on its benefits ( Innumerable individuals lead a transformed, fulfilling life as a result. Especially for people suffering with mental health issues, S.K.Y is a miracle. Speaking from personal experience, when you have a tool that gives you control of your own wellness; that instills an enormous sense of confidence in life and that is something no amount of mental health support can offer.

I have begun this blog with the one purpose of spreading positivity, but I want to encourage my readers to think about the intention and the reasoning behind my happiness. I have a Masters degree in Engineering, working for one of the foremost technology companies in the industry, so convincing me on something is hard without well-founded evidence. Through my own experience practicing S.K.Y, observing how it has supported and enhanced me, my family and my friends over the last few years, AND especially the community I got to connect with as a result, I have gained a lot.

Wouldn’t you want a sneak-peak at how that’s like? :p

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